Saturday, December 5, 2009


First of all.....welcome! It seems that lately I can't get enough of creating blogs. Anyway, I created The Artist's Corner for the students of my grade 5 art class. This blog will be used as an organizer to remind you of projects and assignments that are due but also as a space to talk about any cool and interesting art ideas that you might have.
These past couple of art periods we've been learning about Picasso and Cubism (*see links below). Students examined examples of the artist's cubist technique and worked on creating their own cubist face portraits. I will be adding photos shortly of some of their work....I must say the results were fantastic!!!
Grade 5s, a REMINDER to hand in your Art Books. I received many on Thursday but there are some that I am still missing.
Finally........ if you have any ideas about holiday art projects, please post them here. I anxiously await your creative thoughts!!

~Ms. Guido
Girl Before Mirror by Picasso

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